Humanize From Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism

vaccine mandates

vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Peter Singer: Deny Unvaccinated ICU Care Versus Vaccinated

The bullying around vaccines is getting out of hand. But then, Singer is fully vaccinated, needless to say. So, the cynic in me wonders whether he’s really saying, “Put me first.” Read More ›
teen vaccination
Teenager Vaccination Due To Covid-19

Medical Journal: Allow Adolescents to Consent When Parents Decline to Get Them Vaccinated

There the New England Journal of Medicine goes again, publishing articles that promote an autocratic health-care system. This time, two bioethicists from the National Institutes of Health (!) ask the question, “Adolescents, Parents, and Covid-19 Vaccination — Who Should Decide?” I’ll bet you knew that the answer wouldn’t be the parents! Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Germany Treats Natural Immunity the Same as Vaccination

There seems little reason not to follow this approach — unless the real point of mandates isn’t effective public-health policy but societal control. Read More ›
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T-cell receptors, illustration

Study: Natural Immunity Effective at Preventing Severe Reinfection

The vaccine mandates are an exploding cigar. Not only are they causing severe societal dislocation, but they have been implemented in a one-size-fits-all approach that is not justified by current scientific understandings. Read More ›
Vaccination passport on a mobile phone allowing movement and travel - Vaccination against the coronavirus Covid 19 - Imunity passport - Health passport

Vaccine Mandates are an Exploding Cigar

In short, treat us like free Americans. Not only will that promote comity, but I believe it would also make skeptics more likely to accept the shot. And here’s a big bonus: No national exploding cigar. Read More ›

Texas Welcomes Unvaccinated Organ-Transplant Patients Refused Care in Colorado

How bizarre has the vaccine controversy become? Colorado hospitals are refusing organ transplants to COVID unvaccinated patients because if they catch the disease, they would have a 30 percent chance of dying due to weakened immune systems caused by the anti-rejection drugs recipients must take. Read More ›

A Mandate Martyr

The more I observe the establishment’s moral panic over COVID vaccines, the greater my belief that mandates are less about establishing beneficial public health policy and more about enabling an emerging technocracy to assume authoritarian control. Read More ›
vial, covid-19, coronavirus vaccine ampoule, bottle for injection with syringe

Can Employers Punish Employees If Spouses Aren’t Vaccinated?

The Biden administration has readily used COVID as the pretext to empower private-sector coercion to gain our compliance with government-desired policies. That’s a prescription for corporatocracy that allows control without engaging democratic processes or overcoming the impediment of constitutional checks and balances. Read More ›